24 September, 2013

Last Night

Last night I went to this event at a cafe near Centraal Station.  They had us sit four to a table and play a game/ get to know each other for about ten minutes.  Then, a bell would ring and two people would have to go to another table.  The "funny Dutch games" were really just pick-up-sticks and Jenga with different names, but everyone had different ways of playing because of all the countries that were represented.  I met people from Austria, Taiwan, Germany, Istanbul, London, Poland, Canada, and some locals as well.

On a slight digression, people abroad really seem to love the show The Big Bang Theory and ask me if I watch it when they find out I'm from the US.  This happened last night, and I said I don't because I don't find it funny.  They were shocked and asked why I didn't find it funny so I just bluntly said I think the show is sexist.  "Are you anti-sexist?" was the question I received in response, so there was probably no chance of getting my point across.

Wanted to spend the day biking around because of the nice temperatures and dry weather, but I woke up with a nasty cough and a head full of snot so I've confined myself to the indoors.  Perfect setting for working on my essay about domestic spaces in literature as metaphors for patriarchal oppression of women that I'm working on.  Hell yes, I'm anti-sexist.

Love to you all!

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